Download Tajima DG15 > Current Release
This download applies to customers who have already purchased or are currently using Tajima DG15 by Pulse. Please contact your local distributor if you have an older version and wish to purchase Tajima DG15 . If you have a previous version of Tajima DG/ML by Pulse or Pulse Signature (including Version 14) and wish to download the latest maintenance release available, please type "Version Download "in to the knowledge base search field. You will be presented with available downloadable versions.** See what's new in this update by downloading the What's new PDF below
DG15 is compatible with the following computer systems: Windows 7 **, Windows 8 , Windows 8.1 and Windows 10 and is built on a 64 bit platform. Windows XP, Vista and 32 bit operating systems are no longer supported.
Windows Surface Pro 6 is not supported with DG15!
** Like all operating systems before it, Windows 7 will eventually reach the end of its lifecycle, making an operating system upgrade an absolutely essential task for the safety of your PC.
When does Microsoft support for Windows 7 end?
Microsoft ended mainstream support for Windows 7 on January 13, 2015, but extended support won’t end until January 14, 2020.
Here is how to install Pulse software.
Installation Instructions:
1) Click the DG15 icon below to download software and save to your desktop or downloads.
If prompted, click on Save File, this will place the setup file into Downloads; in some browsers the setup file will automatically download.
2) Once downloaded - if you are not prompted to run the file, open the download folder and double click the setup.exe file
- Installation will begin
3) A window will pop up > Asking "Do you want to allow the following program to make changes to this computer?", please click YES to proceed with the installation. This will begin the InstallAware Wizard. Note, if InstallAware is new on your computer there will be a few pre-requisite screens before the Wizard begins, please click [Next] on each screen to continue to this verification window.
4) Select your language...the default is English however, there are other choice in the drop box (click the small black down arrow for other options), click [OK]
5) Please Note: there will be a period of time where it appears nothing is happening while there the installer is preparing for the installation.
This will be followed by screens that show components required for the installation like these shown below, please click Next:
6) This screen will show you pre-requisites required for the software to install and will install them for you, please click Next
7) The Install Aware Wizard is now ready to proceed with the installation, please click Next to install
8) Read the User License, click the box next to "I accept the license agreement" if you agree and click [Next]
9) On the Product Registration screen enter your User Name and Company Name, click [Next]
10) For an initial installation, "Complete Setup" is the default and correct selection; please don't change this unless advised by technical support click [Next]
11) The default software destination folder will install in the Program Files folder, this should not be changed under normal circumstances; click [Next]
12) On the Design Spooler page you can choose whether or not to install the Design Spooler along with the program. If the Design Spooler is already installed on a different computer on your network or you will not be sending designs from the software directly to the embroidery machine you may opt to keep the default setting of No and click Next to proceed.
13) The Start Menu group will display and please use the All Users(default), click [Next]
14) You have completed the basic setup and Tajima DG is now ready to install, please click [Next]
15) While Tajima DG is installing you will see a green progress bar until complete; please be patient this may take some time depending on your computer speed!
16) You have several options on completion...check the box next to Run Tajima DG15 by Pulse now to begin right away or uncheck to begin at another time from the desktop shortcut that was created during installation. Now click [Finish]