
PulseCloud, what is it all about and how to register

Pulse Cloud allows you to create, manage and browse your designs from any mobile device!  Never again feel the stress of running back to the office to do a quick name drop or even see machine productivity.  


When you register for PulseCloud you also gain access to the Pulse DG Community,  DG software downloads for the latest releases of supported versions and Pulse email notifications of new releases as they are published!


Please click the PulseCloud logo for a video introduction to this exclusive DG feature.




  please note, PulseCloud features are only available with Tajima DG15  and DG16 by Pulse licenses.  DG/ML by Pulse version 14 has access to the Pulse Community with registration for PulseCloud.

With your Tajma DG by Pulse software license pulsecloud is free!  If you are a first time user and have not registered please follow these step-by-step directions.


Step 1  Register with the pulsecloud service


Step 2  Complete all * information, you will need your security device number too.


Step 3 Look for the verification email from




Step 4  Confirm your new pulsecloud account



Step 5  Congratulations & welcome to the new PulseCloud!







On your first log in to the pulsecloud your PC may display the following application permissions screen, please click approve.jpg






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