Download Autograph > Latest version
This update applies to customers who have already purchased and are currently using Autograph2 or have received an activation code from Pulse Micro. Please contact your local distributor if you have an older version and wish to purchase Autograph2.
** please note, Autograph licensing includes 6 de-activations and 6 activations to allow for Computer changes due to crashes, upgrades, etc.
To see a video demonstration of Autograph2 please click the icon below
here is how to install the Pulse software.
Installation Instructions:
1) Click the link below to download software and save to your desktop.
Minimum computer specifications recommended are
- Genuine Intel Pentium IV, 2GHz PC, dual-core computer (or better)
- Microsoft Windows Vista, 7, 8, 8.1 or 10
- 2GB RAM installed memory
- at least 1 GB of hard drive disk space available
Autograph2 is:
- Windows 10 Compliant
- Windows 8 Compliant
- Windows 7, XP, Vista Compatible
2. Once downloaded - your web browser should prompt you to run the file
3) A window will pop up > Asking "Do you want to allow the following program to make changes to this computer?", please click YES to proceed with the installation. This will begin the InstallAware Wizard. Note, if InstallAware is new on your computer there will be a few pre-requisite screens before the Wizard begins, please click [Next] on each screen to continue to this verification window.
4) Select your language...the default is English however, there are other choice in the drop box (click the small black down arrow for other options), click [OK]
5) Welcome to Tajima Autograph setup, please click [Next]
6) Read the User License, click the box next to "I accept the license agreement" if you agree and click [Next]
7) On the Product Registration screen enter your User Name and Company Name, click [Next]
8) For an initial installation, "Complete Setup" is the default and correct selection, please don't change this unless advised by technical support click [Next]
9) The default software destination folder will install in the Program Files(X86) folder, this should not be changed under normal circumstances; click [Next]
10) The Start Menu group will display and you can select shortcuts for Just You or for All Users(default), click [Next]
11) You have completed the basic setup and Tajima Autograph is now ready to install, please click [Next]
12) While Tajima Autograph is installing you will see a green progress bar until complete; please be patient this may take some time depending on your internet connection!
13) You have several options on completion...check the box next to Run Tajima Autograph by Pulse now to begin right away or uncheck to begin at another time from the desktop shortcut that was created during installation. Now click [Finish]
14) On the first launch of Tajima Autograph by Pulse please read and Accept the License Agreement.
15) Following the acceptance of the EULA the Activator option will open, you will need the software activation serial number issued by Pulse to proceed. The activation serial number will be in the format
ZZ9-99Z99-ZZZ9Z-ZZ. If your computer does not have an internet connection please review the instructions contained in the Users' Guide Getting Started section, page 11.
16) Please enter the appropriate information for the items with * and enter the activation serial number, click Activate Now!